Initials in each block Operator Responsibility: Operator is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the vessel; Avoid careless, reckless and negligent operation of vessels; Effects of alcohol, controlled substances and stressors Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Navigation Rules: Maintain a proper lookout; Keep a safe distance from other vessels and objects; Operate at a safe speed for the conditions; location and environment; Operate in a defensive manner; Requirements to give way to other vessels and vessel right of way Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Aids to navigation; buoys and other waterways markers Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Special Waterway Hazards: Operate at slow speed minimum wake when within 300 feet or emergency vessels with activated emergency lights or within 300 feet of construction vessels displaying an orange flag Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Awareness of changes to weather or water conditions and proper responses to those changes Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Requirements for operating a vessel while a person is waterskiing or participating in similar activities identified in s. 327.37, F.S., if applicable. Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Propulsion, steering and stopping characteristics of vessels: Discuss in general and as to the specific vessel being leased or rented Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Location and content of manufacturer warning labels Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Location of and proper use of safety equipment Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Boarding, falling off, capsizing, taking on water, re-boarding and emergency procedures for dealing with these situations Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Problems seeing other vessels and being seen by them Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: The dangers of wake or surf jumping and other reckless operations. Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Boating safety identification cards, age and engine requirements Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Photographic identification Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Boating Accidents: Causes and prevention of accidents; Legal requirements: remain on-scene, render assistance, report incident to authorities Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Florida divers-down warning device requirements Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Noise, nuisances and other environmental concerns Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Manatee awareness (if applicable to location) Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Ecosystem awareness based on local issues Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Specific operational characteristics of the vessel being leased or rented Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Local characteristics of the waterway where the leased or rented vessel is intended to be operated, to include: Navigational hazards; Boating restricted areas; Water depths Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Personal Watercraft Specific personal watercraft (PWC) safety requirements: Required to wear PFD; Required use of kill switch lanyard; Location of sound producing device and fire extinguisher; Minimum age to legally operate; Lawful hours of operation Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Paddlecraft Requirements for operating paddlecraft within the marked channel of the intracoastal waterway Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Off-Site or extended period use Instruction on care and maintenance of the leased or rented vessel: Fueling and ventilation; Trailering and transporting; Float plans; how and when to complete a float plan; Specific local hazards, e.g.: bodies of water, weather, dams, cold water, commercial vessel traffic Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: Conducted an on-the-water demonstration and check ride to verify the prospective operator’s ability to safely operate the vessel to be leased or rented Instructor: Boat Operator Staff Signature
Renter: I hereby acknowledge I have provided the required pre-rental and pre-ride instruction as specifically acknowledged above. Name of Livery Instructor: Boat Operator Signature: Boat Operator Staff Signature Date: March 3, 2025