1. All scuba divers must be certified and dive in buddy pairs. Your “C” card will be checked at your station. 2. Only open circuit scuba diving is permitted. NO CLOSED OR SEMI-CLOSED-CIRCUIT SCUBA. 3. NO DIVING FROM ANY BOAT IN THE HARBOR – NO EXCEPTIONS – ALL DIVING MUST BE FROM THE SHORE AT A DESIGNATED DIVING STATION AREA. 4. At your dive location, sign in before entering the water. The cleanup begins at the signal at 9:30 am and will end at 11:00 am. There will be no more diving in the harbor after 11:00 a.m. 5. YOU MUST SIGN OUT AT YOUR DIVE LOCATION IMMEDIATELY UPON EXITING FROM YOUR DIVE. 6. Stay off the bottom as much as possible using buoyancy control while searching. You may also use your finger and fin tips to help stay off the bottom. (Better visibility for all!) 7. Work closely with your buddy to maintain a course and depth and to help bag the items found. DO NOT EXCEED 40 fsw (feet of seawater) DEPTH AT ANY TIME DURING YOUR DIVE (i.e., no further than the end of the Green Pier or the 4th row of mooring cans). Please also do not dive east of the Green Pier or near the semi-submersible floating dock as the semi-submersibles will be in operation during your dive. 8. If you hear constant boat noises above or around you, you have moved into an area where you should not be. Turn around and head back the way you came. 9. If you hear the sound of a paddle hitting a kayak, one of the Surface Safety Kayak Patrol has noticed that a diver has ventured too far. Check your depth to ensure you are still shallower than 40 fsw. 10. If you must surface during the dive, be sure to look up and around, ascend slowly with inflator hose in hand, near a mooring can and listen carefully for boat traffic. Once on the surface you can alert one of the Surface Safety Kayak Patrol to assist you. DO NOT SURFACE IN THE HARBOR FAIRWAYS (BOAT TRAFFIC LANES). 11. For the purposes of this cleanup – NO TOOLS shall be used to assist in removing trash, including lift bags. Do not cut or undo any cables, chains or heavy lines. Under no circumstances are any heavy weights to be removed (these may include batteries, engine blocks, train wheels, manhole covers). There is no “heaviest” award category. 12. DO NOT CLIMB UP ONTO OR PUT TRASH ON ANY HARBOR FLOATS. 13. AIRFILLS: The dive is designed to be a one-tank dive. You may fill your tank today with your free fill ticket. Otherwise, the ticket will be good at any one of the three dive fill stations located in Avalon throughout the weekend. 14. The goal of the cleanup is to remove the accumulation of debris consisting of obvious trash: bottles, cans, etc., and other objects accidentally (or purposefully) dropped or otherwise lost in the harbor. There is a great distinction between these objects and those in use as counterweights for the numerous Harbor Floats and other items which may not be in place at this time of year. 15. Please remove only trash and other loose items. Take no marine life. Return to a suitable environment the animals that had made bottles and cans their homes. 16. Deadline for garbage award entries will be at 11:30 am at each station. If you have an eligible garbage award, please allow it to be displayed at Wrigley Stage (Garbage HQ) for the awards ceremony. You can take your finds home with you after the awards. E PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO HELP BRING YOUR TRASH UP OFF THE BEACH AND ASSIST IN PLACING IT TRASH IN THE TRASH BINS. There will be a recycling bin as well as a trash bin at each station. I have read the above Safe Diving Practices and I shall follow them in order to insure a safe event. I understand I may jeopardize my participation in future Cleanups by infractions of the above Safe Diving Practices. I have read, understand and signed the Informed Consent and Waiver of Release. March 11, 2025